1. There is some confusion here. The report referred to (The Chemistry PhD: the impact on women’s retention http://www.theukrc.org/files/useruploads/files/the_chemistry_phdwomensretention_tcm18-139215.pdf ) has only just been published, but builds on an earlier 2008 report. I’ve written about my own thoughts on the recent report here http://occamstypewriter.org/athenedonald/2012/03/27/is-or-was-your-phd-an-ordeal/. My impression is that in the UK, Chemistry is something of an outlier, something the earlier report showed by comparing the situation with Biochemistry.

    • Sarah Webb

      Thanks for clearing up the date of the report (Is there a date listed somewhere? I couldn’t find it.) and for your comments. I’m wondering about the earlier comparison with biochemistry– did the biochemists identify more as life scientists than chemists (Did they have more in common with their colleagues in molecular biology?). What made their experiences different?

    • Sarah Webb

      Thank you, Athene. I appreciate the added context.

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